International Journal of Accounting, Management & Education, Business, Health (IJAMEBUH) provides a scientific discourse about accounting, business, management, and economic issues both practically and conceptually. The published articles at this journal cover various topics from the result of particular conceptual analysis and critical evaluation to empirical research. The journal is also interested in contributions from social, organization, and philosophical aspects of accounting, business, management and economic studies.

International Journal of Accounting, Management & Education, Business, Health goal is to advance and promote innovative thinking in accounting, business, management, and economic related discipline. The journal spreads recent research works and activities from academician and practitioners so that networks and new links can be established among scholars as well as creative thinking and application-oriented issues can be enhanced.

International Journal of Accounting, Management & Education, Business, Health is published four times a year that is in March, June, September, and December of every year.

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