The Effect of Recruitment and Training on Employee Performance of PT. Primafood International
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Andy Juniar Rachman*
Sri Lestari
One element that is important for business growth and operations is human resources. Human resources are the key to maximizing the potential of other resources in the development of a company. By making maximum use of company resources, it is hoped that it will have a positive impact on the company's development. PT Primafood International is a company operating in the retail and distribution industry. The purpose of this research is to find out how recruitment and training at PT Primafood International affects employee performance. In this research, researchers used descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative approaches. The sample in this research was 46 employees of PT Primafood International. The data used in this research was taken through observation techniques and interviews with different workers. One strategy to improve employee performance is to maximize the recruitment and training process. Based on observation, interview and survey findings at PT Primafood International, staff performance (Y) is positively influenced by recruitment (X1). The total average score for all questionnaire processing related to training is 3.65 which is classified as agree or very good (Y) regarding the training (X2) held. From the research results it can be concluded that recruitment and training influence employee performance.
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