Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesian Banking
(Comparative Study between Government Banks and Private Banks on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2022)
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Rizka Inayatul Ummah*
Miya Dewi Suprihandari
Rika Yuliastanti
Agus Subandoro
This research aims to analyze and compare the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) between government banks and private banks in Indonesia in 2022. CSR is a company's commitment to contribute to sustainable economic development by paying attention to social and environmental responsibilities. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method, and analyzes annual reports and sustainability reports from several leading government and private banks in Indonesia. The research results show that there are significant differences in CSR implementation and reporting between government banks and private banks. Government banks tend to focus more on social programs and community development, while private banks place more emphasis on environmental aspects and business sustainability. These findings provide insight for policy makers and bank management in designing CSR strategies that are effective and appropriate to their respective contexts.
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